Corporate Governance In China
Corporate Governance in China Advisory Services to Business Leaders and Investor
- China’s continuous growth is a Surge
- China’s continuous promoting “China Model” is a Surge
- China’s increasing influence to global economy is a Surge
Understanding Chinese companies’ business practices is not optional any more, but qualifies as a mandatory skill for board directors and executives from multinational companies.
With Lyndsey’s dual background in Western and Chinese markets, holding executive and board director roles at multinational companies in the U.S., China and European countries. Lyndsey sees her mission to help others understand the culture influence to Chinese Companies corporate governance and business practice and some unique governance models due to China’s economic and legal environment.
Partnering with Chinese companies does not need to be “navigating in the dark”!
Corporate Governance in China advisory services assist:
- Institutional Investors who are investing in China companies and interested in learning how to evaluate China companies’ corporate governance risks
- Corporate chairpersons, board directors and executives from multinational companies with connections in China
- Attorneys, mergers & acquisitions (M&A), management & strategy experts from international consulting firms
- Independent board directors sitting on Chinese companies’ boards, and / or executives and production managers working for Chinese owned companies
- Board directors and executives from small and middle size companies doing business with Chinese partners
- Board directors and executives from Chinese multinational companies with subsidiary in western countries
Hot Topics to Understand Corporate Governance in China
Chinese Culture Influences to International Business
Chinese Corporate Governance Regulation Reform
Where to Draw the "Redline" - Key Risks
Understanding Chinese Multinationals
Case Studies
– The Core Principles of Chinese Confusion philosophy
– How to build Guanxi (Guan-Shi) to facilitate your journey to China?
– Chinese regulation reform and the impact to Chinese companies’ corporate governance practice
– Chinese regulation reform trend in the decades to come
– Top corporate governance concerns of Chinese companies you should be aware of
– “China Puzzle” – Chinese SOEs corporate governance practice and how to handle government Intervention
– VIE Structure
– Chinese Multinationals Overseas Operation Overview
– How to work with your Chinese parent company?
– Main operation differences between Chinese Multinationals and the West
– The innovation of Chinese companies’ corporate governance model and practice
– Main corporate governance differences between Chinese companies and the West