Corporate Governance and ESG In China

Corporate Governance in China Seen Through A Practitioner's Lens
China is now the world’s second largest economy, and continues to grow at a remarkable pace. This pace of growth together with the progressive opening up of China’s financial markets have made it increasingly attractive to foreign investors and business leaders. In addition the growth of Chinese-based multi-nationals has presented other opportunities for working and investing.
But there have been concerns voiced about the role of the State. China has more State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) than any other country, over 150,000. There have also been concerns raised about the standards of corporate governance currently operating. And the differences in culture that can mean that investing and doing business in China can feel like “navigating in the dark”.
This book clearly sets out the journey China is taking towards improving its corporate governance standards generally, with a special emphasis on ESG issues.
Lyndsey Zhang offers a unique perspective on the topic. Born in China and now living in the US, Lyndsey has worked in three Chinese multinational companies with different ownership structures and CG models: a private company, an SOE and an overseas-listed company. She led these Chinese companies’ global expansion, fundraising on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, dealing with cross-border mergers and corporate acquisitions in European countries, and forming post-acquisition strategies in the US, all of which have placed her – as a Chinese native living in the West – in a unique position to understand the opportunities and challenges for Chinese multinationals and their global partners and investors.
She draws upon a number of case studies, including Alibaba, Huawei, Ant Group and Lenovo, to really bring the current Chinese corporate governance situation to life.
This book provides a practical guide to understanding Chinese companies’ corporate governance practices and assessing the associated risks. It will be useful to anyone who wants to invest in, work in or do business with domestic or multinational Chinese companies.
An Overview of China's Rapidly Evolving
Corporate Governance and Coming ESG Revolution
China has been growing fast and in every direction since the beginning of its economic reform in 1978. Since establishing itself as the second-largest economy in the world in the past decade, collaboration between Chinese companies and organizations from both advanced and emerging markets countries has been evolving and growin56g. Understanding China’s corporate governance and business practices is no longer optional – it’s a necessity. Let this book be your guide to the topic, including
- China’s business regulation reform milestones
- The major differences in corporate governance between the U.S. and China
- How Chinese companies are scoring on ESG performance domestically and globally
- China’s corporate governance development and ESG revolution in the post-COVID era
“Lyndsey’s dual background in Western and Chinese markets has given her a unique lens through which she examines China’s corporate governance development and the influence of Chinese culture and regulation reform. The Surge adds to our understanding of the next phase in China’s rapidly evolving corporate governance and the potential for a nationwide ESG revolution. This book is useful reading not only for academic and professional audiences who are interested in these timely topics, but also those seeking insight into what other emerging markets countries can learn from China.”
– Professor Lourdes S. Casanova, Senior Lecturer of Management and the Gail and Roberto Cañizares Director of the Emerging Markets Institute, Cornell University

Meet Lyndsey
Lyndsey Zhang has extensive experiences working for western and Chinese multinational companies in automation manufacture, clean energy, renewable energy and high-tech sectors. She held CFO and VP of Strategy positions in Chinese companies and served on board of directors as both executive and non-executive directors. Leading these Chinese companies’ global expansion including fundraising on Hong Kong stock exchanges, cross-border mergers and acquisitions in European countries, and post-acquisition integration in the U.S., have positioned her to understand the opportunities and challenges for both Chinese multinationals and their global partners.
As an advocate of good corporate governance and ESG practice, Lyndsey hosts Boardroom&Beyond podcast Corporate Governance Around the World, and ESG In Action shows, regularly publishes articles in the UK’s Governance and the US’s Global Finance.
Lyndsey has been a licensed CPA at state of Illinois since 2007, a certified Independent Board Director from Harvard University since 2019. She received her Master of Science in Accountancy from Illinois State University, and Bachelor of Science in Economics from Xiamen University in China. Lyndsey is currently a Doctoral Researcher at Henley Business School of University of Reading.
Living in Chicago with her husband. Lyndsey is a long-time yoga practitioner and runner, who believes in finding the right methodology, keeping practice, and never giving up can make most impossible possible.
Lyndsey wants to hear and share your stories! Connect with Lyndsey on LinkedIn or by email.